2.5 years of trades, gigs, small contracts to build my portfolio to a stronger stand.. is it worth the trip? is it worth the trouble of coding each page to consider a traffic from an ad? is it worth it to blend and connect the portfolio with the blog in the same .com? I don't know whats the next step is, but having my portfolio as a tool to have my back, I believe I am ready. I am down with my last dollar and getting crazy because I need to upload the file today or later on today. I try and learn so many stuff designing this new site using CSS + Jquery + JavaScript + old table coding just to rebuilt my skills.. The new site has a stronger photography portfolio which target commercial work and also family if the clients need a portrait shot by Jaya Production. My goal also is to bring traffic into the site using each social media to target the level of pages in the .com So many pain doing this portfolio and so many people who lost hope in me, and hopefully I can make it after I release the new site to companies this week. I believe I am closer to my dream to build Jaya Production as one of the biggest Freelance Art "Company" in the Bay Area or Oakland. But being a contractor already, I am thankful to work with any type of companies that need a Multimedia artist or Photographer. The new Site will show viewers; fans or clients or companies what I am targeting. I need to reach each level of my art skills, while another artist who applying for the same contract/job is sleeping, I am still working on the next design for my portfolio. the cool part about this, I can finally just upload my blog easy and also every 2 years I will change the layout again. Every time I change my layout I get better in coding. The suck part about it, I need upgrade each time.
Well hopefully I can upload each file to my server, and also redo my tumblr as a template + finish the wedding section which is another website for Jaya Production. the site will be "
Don't forget to check out Jaya Production Portfolio and updates