Ancient Angkor image use in present day Media.
Angkor warrior, known in the Cambodian community as the
artist or future protector of the Khmer Art culture, funny part; I was the first
ever Cambodian American to take a photograph of a male “Khmer” figure of
an ancient look to display the power and strength of the hidden warrior of
Angkor. The male would be me, a self-portrait.. I wanted to let everyone know
in my time Cambodian or not, my culture is very strong and stays within each
Khmer if he or she chooses to represent it. Khmer Pride is not enough, having
the soul connect into your vein and building an image to stay strong by the
force of ancient time.
After the Khmer rouge power was over, many Cambodian
flew to the US learning and adopting into a new culture. Each generation lost
their roots or some-type of Khmer background and feel ashamed of their traditional
culture because of power in the media. But when time gets older, the young generation
becomes an adult and trying to find their identity. I know we live in a society where we need income but in my heart and soul I make sure to show my pride as a

This is why I got to show the positive image of this power
of a human from the ancient history of Cambodia that the media uses for the
90s-2012. Hip-hop was created in the 80s with positive words and fashion to breakdance, but
selling it to the media; media made it evil for the hip-hop community to feed with income. People say the Ancient Kingdom of Angkor is long gone of power, but being educated in the mind and strong in the heart, the Khmer community can become strong again. Don't let the media weaken the image of Angkor in the US or around the world. Look at the Jewish community, came into America being hated on, but never gave up on education and invest within the community now own of the media in Hollywood + banks + FACEBOOK ! haha :)
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