Success in Multimedia, Web, and Graphic-Design

How to be a successful Freelance Artist in Multimedia and Graphic Design

Multimedia, Contract, Artist, Freelance, Graphic, Design, Web, Designer, Adobe, Photoshop, Resume, Find, A, Job, Successful, ,DREAMWEAVER, agent, Artok ok ok ! how does it work? you got a degree just finish college or just brought tons of Adobe Photoshop book and want to get paid crazy! how and when? Each step of an artist lead to a great direction or passion. The key to this are not hidden but hard-working and connection. If you don't have a portfolio ready that's sad because you will need an on-line portfolio + a print portfolio with DVD work. I will break it down, your skills need to be built by finding clients or doing ton of freelance works. the main focus is to find clients that practice with and learn the business in the art field. Communication are the keys to be successful in this field and trust me not as much skills. When things are building up, this is the important part "FIND A AGENT OR AGENCY" that can help you find local contracts with high pay that can protect you and also help you with a salary. I never knew an agency or agent can help, but they do! you will thank me because without them, I wouldn't make as much money now. Adding the gigs I do with my contract work I can live a good life. So my point is yes contract ! that's good but what else?? your self, can you be a good worker and also a person that can trust? can you work as team? can you do deadline? working as a contractor or anything that do with art, you have to see your co-worker or CEO everyday or being a remote by doing Skype  Your self is the key to all, if you can't be friendly or anything why a company will give you their money??? Remember building up your resume is the best, each year bring more income but you need a jump start by being your self. I am not the best designer but I am great person that can work as a team. Below are the steps.


1. Build your portfolio + resume (GIGS FROM CLIENTS WITH BUSINESS)

2. Find clients and use them as a work-field (learn the business)

3. Go look for an agency or agent

4. Use each website on-line to look for a job if you can


6. Being cool and trust me what else make you happy ?not just photoshop? Breakdance? skateboard? this matter alot ! because companies want to know you..

So hopefully this work out well, because so far I am contract and still doing small gigs with personal clients. Remember money counts in this field if you want to live good.

Don't forget to check out Jaya Production Portfolio and updates


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