Cassandra Bankson Before her Big Break !

The year I met Cassandra was 2010 at a fashion-show ! by looking at her standard and class I thought I will never photograph a tall woman ! I had the guts to ask her if I can photo shoot her. Their was probably 50 models that night and only 2 show me love on the floor and one was Cassandra, she just started model 6 months ago. I was very happy because I finally have a fashion model and she told me that she needed expand her Portfolio. We met and talk about the shoot and we found a good selection to do the shoot at the Oakland Hills in California. She did pretty great and my portfolio was building up pretty well for my first year of doing photograph with my new gear with my 40D Canon and 580ex II. I didn't have any problem with the poses because we both connected well on the shoot of that day. the photograph on the right show her face and putting layers of make-up she did a wonderful job just like how she does on her video (remember this is before her YouTube work) I had a good time and I am so happy that she help and also gave me a big shout-out before she was big on YouTube. I was happy that I help her before he big-break and one day I post one of this photograph I shot her on my Facebook to show if any model want to work with me, people was like you "photograph Cassandra?" I am like yea she is a nice person, but then I didn't know she already blow-up on YouTube I know her from the day we shot and the fashion-show we attending because she always shoe me love because I was there to support her career. I know she will go far in her career, she has the personality and of course the amazing look ! I had the chance to visit her YouTube page and notice over Sub and channel with over 50,000,000 views ! I wrote her an inbox after to congrats her on the road to a bright career ! She response back ASAP and I felt happy that she still remember me in 2012. It was only 2 years ago and upcoming models ! support photographer and make sure to con.t your dream, I just witness Cassandra walk to her dream with an amazing model gift.
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