the showcase is near, Oct 19,2013 is the day of the day. I thought it will be easy to make things go the way I want. I made a few mistake of loaning people money that I ready need to fund my showcase. But I found a formula by designing shirts for my fan or support folks to publish to help fund my showcase and also find individual clients. I am meeting and finding random folks to support me by buying my work that is affordable which is the shirts. My photography book has a high price because I don't do the printing but at the end I find clients and people who support. This good souls are helping me with my showcase on October 19,2013 with the frames, prints, catering, and flyers to market things will go well. I really love how my clients and support folks care about my career and want me to boost it up. I know one day my value as an artist will grow. The showcase is also free if you in Oakland,CA. more information soon about folks ! if you guys are new to my blog, I am having a showcase base on the the backyard of Oakland California "Nature of Oakland" more information on my facebook page and also a link to my book on my personal website.
Don't forget to check out Jaya Production Portfolio and updates