Predictive Oncology Inc (POAI) After-After = next MEME PUMP?

(AFTER-HOUR = NASDAQ: $POAI) 1.21 USD  +0.24 (24.74%) = Did you see the After-hour of this run? the cancer company has did it again but the question will it hold? by doing the search, I have not seen any data of PR or some type of news. I believe is industry of Cancer! but Biotech index still down 7% thats why you see good longterm going low of low while a few pennies gong sky rocket by chat-room pumps. This is a good company, last year and this year its a good swing. The CEO has not got any bad review and so far its seem like something is cooking. We might be in a ride of new MEME STOCK folks so keep this in radar and bless who hold on this BEARISH MARKET = blame China ok?

BANG BANG BANG! Chary look like king of the hill climbing to the Heavens. After-hour = we see this bull and bear fighting like animal level this stock up to $1.24! the question will it hold? will we see 100%? or just a teaser? we never know but so far the volume show its possible for a tycoon.The day of Tuesday was just flat like nothing happen. We need the real and plan for this movie, we find more info in "Premarket" and I hope we can LEVEL up into the next level like $AQXP in 2015.

By looking at the market-cap and also the 1 year target it show 5! Don't be fool by SEC, this will jump more after Biotech index heal from a good government contract. I will hold and keep in radar 52- week high = $2.30 with a  ok drop where it is now. TODAY MIGHT BE THE DAY !!!$$$!!!  25,825 is the number being follow on stock-twits. 



About Predictive Oncology Inc.
"multi-faceted, knowledge-driven company focused on applying artificial intelligence to develop personalized medical treatments, lab media that replicates".


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