Digital Ally, Inc (DGLY) Law protect criminals and the Police need better tools
(YTD = NASDAQ: $DGLY) 1.14 USD -1.49 year to date = America is full of increase criminals from culture and greed. the spoil brats living up it the hill driving a gift car from their parent going out and stealing things trying to get "Street Credit", this the life we live? How can Police deal with it? when Police cannot even protect themselves like today shooting in Oakland, Ca gas station. Bless the Retirement police for shooting and killing that useless bum death. We know this stock pump by riots and protestor and I believe one is coming soon or increase tech tool for police for their safety in at work and off-duty. I'm focus on Oakland.
"The rule of liberals increase crime in Oakland, the "prop 47 Marxist era." you can't beat up or protect ourself from a theft or robberies, you will have more time then the criminals theft or you get sue by the theft for protecting yourself. California governor is a Dictator, the Mayor support Marxist, I don't blame the cop for anything going on here, the law this liberals create trying to be voice of the street while given vote in a gated community.
Criminals are spoil here in and out free meal and next day out with a bond or Newsome free-card misdemeanor" to do crime until someone get demise or sometime the criminals win the case. Holiday is here and be alert + aware. terror on the street, this "records criminals" are not going to stop, even OPD Police are not safe" = this what I quote on a Oakland Police Facebook page.
"The rule of liberals increase crime in Oakland, the "prop 47 Marxist era." you can't beat up or protect ourself from a theft or robberies, you will have more time then the criminals theft or you get sue by the theft for protecting yourself. California governor is a Dictator, the Mayor support Marxist, I don't blame the cop for anything going on here, the law this liberals create trying to be voice of the street while given vote in a gated community.
Criminals are spoil here in and out free meal and next day out with a bond or Newsome free-card misdemeanor" to do crime until someone get demise or sometime the criminals win the case. Holiday is here and be alert + aware. terror on the street, this "records criminals" are not going to stop, even OPD Police are not safe" = this what I quote on a Oakland Police Facebook page.
Do you believe crime is not the problem? but Lethal violence is? whats gong on now in this generation when people want to be rappers and onlyFan models? thats so many goals now. Parent fail? or just people get suck in the information data of Social-media of lies.
At the beginning of the year, we see a pump due to a new President the elite of Liberals . people thought another capital riot gonna appear ora BLM gonna come out ! but nothing happen. So far the news has been working on other issue that don't focus on reality or the its a delay to the market? its a huge drop and I believe is good time to because we know how Media works. We follow agenda and I believe tools for police will be use for something bigger then a protest of 2020. Remember its good time to buy now! This stock is very popular online and meme chatroom.
By looking at the market-cap and also the 1 year target it show N/A! 52-week high = $3.98 drop where it is now. We got along way to go back to 52 week high. 25,102 is the number being follow on stock-twits.
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"Complete front and back end solution for body cams, in-car video systems, data solutions and support for Law Enforcement, EMS, Commercial Fleets and more.".