Ecmoho Ltd - ADR NASDAQ: MOHO = the CHINA Kaiser Permanente trust me I know ...

(YTD = NASDAQ: $MOHO)0.68 USD -1.48 year to date = The China of all Kasier of the USA. This right here try to be a brand the best of the best for CCP to give them that grand! But after the hearing COVID, biotech has drop 7% not just int he USA but also CCCP aka China. You got to understand, doesn't matter how hard you push into the max of bullish, this company move by the China stock market! This life is gold and this is the reason why so many suffering! the website is easy to exist and make sure to have "English" for foreign investor. Not a very popular stock but it something to hang on too by having all the feature of HTML5! so this health company make sure to stay on the line with design of the look. Good for them, and hope they can do what they do best and become the China of Kaiser P.

In reality and history China have the medicine to heal a lot in our body and also the tea for us to become strong. Western nations has adapt into this culture of medicine to help modern community for better health.

The power of Prayer with tech and chart is this company. If you like the finer things in life, this is one stock that will do! look at the drop to dip and now a new home to relax. Sign of anything is possible here, you got t find its PR back to back which is very slow in this company. I will just leave some cash here and wait for a PR which might take months or years.. Remember that ! Just to keep in mind this ins heath service which define as a company for the living of souls. Wealth of health is what this company trying to market for the public in China.

By looking at the market-cap and also the 1 year target it show N/A! 52- week high = $3.98  with ok DAMN DROP where it is now.  swing please wait for pump 2,013 is the number being follow on stock-twits. 



About Ecmoho Ltd.
"ECMOHO LIMITED is a China-based company mainly engaged in integrated solution business of non-medical health and wellness market. The Company distributes health supplements and food, mother and child care products, personal care products, household healthcare equipment and other health and wellness products.".


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