ReTo Eco-Solutions Inc (RETO) CHINA HOPE?

(YTD = NASDAQ: $RETO) 0.85 USD -0.35 past 6 months = Wow looking at this website confuse me so bad I thought my grammar was bad. But yea, I believe this company focus on green-tech and minerals in the world . We can see today it jump but wow the drop from YTD is bad but no that bad. China stocks has been in the crap of hell for many months just like the trade war against Trump. If $BABA move this will move also . So the question how can we RID this bearish market with the CCP aka Xi = China? we seem like it goings darker into the path a bloody blood-bath. So many thing like $FAMI had a jump and now this ! keep it in mind, penny might save you in this market. This stock is not very popular but I Believe when it shoot, it will be a sleeper of pumps of tycoons...

China out here really think the world is blind! I went to the airport and thought the air was just fog but I was wrong.. it was Toxic air from cars and plants...CCP FAIL AGAIN !!!

By looking at this chart, this also had a China run on the beginning of the year, I mean so much had a run of runs to the pump of tycoon; afterwards, it become more of a swing going up and down. All we need is no a PR but a China run boost market = something good nothing like the Evergrande news that will fail China easy into the deep hole of Lucifer. We got a long way to go back to the top which I bet many are bags holders but is ok keep this in radar as swing, you remember that. Never trust CCP too much as long-term..

By looking at the market-cap and also the 1 year target it show $N/A! 52- week high = $3.66 with a damn super drop where it is now. We got along long way to go back to 52 week high.  3,255 is the number being follow on stock-twits. 



About ReTo Eco-Solutions Inc.
"ReTo Eco-SolutionsInc. manufactures building materials. The Company produces abrasives, asbestos, nonmetallic mineral products, concretes, bricks, pavers, .".


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